Where Do They Come From?
Over the years you have made all of us laugh with you outstanding claymations, but I think all of us are getting past what really matteras here, the animation, most of us take for granted the animation thoughout his library of shorts, dubs, and not to mention the new release of the clay movie, even though the dubs aren't his animations, but still goes through a lot to put a smile on our faces, and in doing so has done of the last 2 or 3 years, all the way back to his first movie as a ghost, which wasn't as funny as the rest of your collection but still made you fall over laughing at the first viewing, but with all of this aside, where do your ideas come from? each short has a new and fresh storyline, and as though the stupid humor is the greatest thing ever the animation, sounds, voices, timing and the rest of it, you end up making look so easy, and after all those times I guess you do become better at it, but it's like new ones are released everyday, it's complicated to me that you put so much pride and joy into it, but in the end I guess it just makes everything better, honestly, imagine a life with knox, can you?